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Posts Tagged: Blower motor resistor

Blower motor resistor keeps failing

Why does blower motor resistor keep failing? What is a blower motor resistor? Many car makers use a blower motor resistor in conjunction with a multiple speed switch to provide three or four blower motor speeds. The blower motor resistor is really a pack of resistors wired in series. See the image below. To run on the slowest speed, the power runs through all three resistors. For each higher speed, power flows through one less resistor. Some car makers run blower motor power through the fan speed switch first, then … Read More

Blower motor only works on high speed

Blower motor only works on high speed — what to check A bad blower motor resistor can cause a blower fan high only works on high speed condition If your blower motor only works on high speed, chances are the blower motor resistor is bad The blower motor resistor is what’s responsible for giving you three blower speeds. The resistor block contains three different high resistance coils. Think of these coils like a filament in a light bulb. The coil resistance causes them to heat up, thereby reducing the amount … Read More

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