Rick's Free Auto Repair Advice

Best car door lock deicers and lubricants

Car door lock deicer and lock lubricant

Best car lock deicer products

car lock deicer products from American Grease Stick, Victor lock deicer and Hopkins lock deicer

Car lock deicer injects directly into the lock to melt the ice and lubricate the lock cylinder. Most include alcohol to lower the melting point of the ice.

I’ve written an article on how to thaw a frozen car door lock here.

Best lock lubricants to prevent freezing and binding

prevent car door lock freezing

Prevent car door lock freezing with an application of dry teflon lube

But the best way to prevent car door lock problems is to keep the lock cylinder lubricated. Use graphite or the newer dry teflon lubes to keep the lock working without attracting dirt and grit.

Don’t use silicone spray to lubricate your car door lock. Silicone attracts and holds dirt and can make a sticky lock even worse.

©, 2016 Rick Muscoplat


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