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Best hand lotions for mechanics — Prevent dry and cracked skin

Hands down, these are the two best hand lotions for mechanics

Auto mechanics use pretty harsh hand cleaners to remove the grease and grime. But those harsh cleaners can leave your skin dry and cracked. If you’re experiencing dry cracked skin or have open cuts, you need a lotion that’s not only kind to your skin, but actually helps protect and heal them. Here are the two best hand lotions for mechanics.

Rick’s pick for the best hand lotion to  prevent dryness and cracking

I have mechanic’s hands and I’ve used many products that make big promises. I’ve actually used the Duke Cannon product so I can tell you from real experience that it’s one of the best hand lotions for mechanics.

Duke Cannon Bloody Knuckles Hand Repair Balm gets my duke cannon loody knuckles hand repair balm for dry skinvote for the best product to treat  dry skin and cracking problems. It doesn’t smell and leaves your hands dry and smooth, without the greasy feeling. Duke Cannon Bloody Knuckles Hand Repair Balm contains lanolin and Shea Butter, along with Glycerin and Dimethicone.

My second choice is Working Hands by O’Keefe’s

The Working Hands brand  lotion by O’Keefe’s is my choice for runner-up if you can’t get Duke Cannon Bloody Knuckles. It’s also good for keeping your hands in good shape and preventing cracks. It’s available online and in many drug stores. The only downside is the “greasy” feeling after application.

©, 2022 Rick Muscoplat

Posted on by Rick Muscoplat

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