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How to Put Ford Into Electronic Parking Brake Maintenance Mode

Procedure to put Ford into Electronic Parking Brake Maintenance Mode — Activate or Deactivate Maintenance Mode

Many Ford vehicles use an electronic parking brake (EPB). The

ford rear brake caliper with electronic parking brake-1

Ford rear brake caliper with electronic parking brake

electronic parking brake uses an electric motor to apply and release the parking brakes. When performing a brake job on vehicles equipped EPB, you must deactivate the EPB using the procedures listed below.

Deactivate Ford Electronic Parking Brake

1.    Turn the Ignition to the ON position.
2.     Press down all the way on the accelerator pedal and hold it while also pushing down on the EPB switch. Continue to hold the accelerator pedal and EPB.
3.    Turn the ignition to OFF. Withing 5-seconds turn the ignition back to the ON position while continuing to hold the accelerator pedal and the EPB switch in the down position.
4. Turn the ignition to OFF and release the accelerator pedal and the EPB switch.
5. This will deactivate the EPB system and preventing parking brake application until you complete the brake job. While deactivated the yellow electronic parking brake indicator will be illuminated and maintenance mode will display on the message center.

You can then compress the brake caliper piston it the bore. It does not have to be rotated back into the caliper.

Activate the Ford Electronic Parking Brake

After the brake job, you must re-activate the EPB

1. Turn the ignition to ON.
2. Press down all the way on the accelerator pedal and hold it while also pulling up  on the EPB switch. Continue to hold the accelerator pedal and EPB.
3.   Turn the ignition to OFF. Within 5-seconds turn the ignition back to the ON position while continuing to hold the accelerator pedal and the EPB switch in the up position.
4.    Turn the ignition to OFF and release the accelerator pedal and the EPB switch.

The EPB will then fully apply and release the parking brake to calibrate itself to allow for sufficient air gap between the rear brake pads and brake disc.

©, 2022 Rick Muscoplat


Posted on by Rick Muscoplat

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