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Symptoms of a bad alternator

The 7 most common symptoms of a bad alternator

Like any other mechanical part, alternators are susceptible to wear and tear, and even sudden failure. If you think your alternator might be going out, check out these 7 most common symptoms of a bad alternator.
ACDelco 23119615 alternator

The battery warning light is on

Modern vehicles come equipped with a warning light on the dashboard, usually labeled ‘ALT’ or displaying a battery icon. When this light illuminates, it’s a sign that the alternator isn’t doing its job properly.

Dim or Flickering Headlights

Since the alternator supplies the power for the headlights, one of the most noticeable symptoms of a failing alternator is dimming or flickering headlights. This is especially evident when more electrical components (like air conditioning or radio) are in use, stressing the already weakened alternator.

Weak Battery

If your car battery keeps running low or you frequently need to jump-start your vehicle, the issue might be with the alternator, not the battery. An under performing alternator will fail to recharge the battery adequately.

Unusual Noises

Worn-out bearings or belt squealing can be a sign of a bad alternator. If you hear a whining or grinding noise coming from the direction of the alternator, it’s time for an inspection.

Electrical Failures

The alternator powers all the electrical systems in the vehicle. If you notice the failure of electronic components such as power windows, air conditioning, or even the radio, a failing alternator could be the culprit.

Stalling or Difficulty Starting

An alternator in poor condition can lead to an undercharged battery, making it difficult for the car to start or causing the engine to stall after starting.

Smell of Burning Rubber or Wires

A slipping belt or failing internal components can cause overheating, leading to a smell of burning rubber or even electrical fires in extreme cases.

Visual Inspection

During regular maintenance or oil changes, it’s wise to visually inspect the alternator for signs of wear or damage. Look for frayed wires, corroded connections, and ensure that the serpentine belt is in good condition.

Diagnosis and Next Steps

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediate attention is required. Prolonged driving with a failing alternator could lead to a complete breakdown, as the battery alone will not be able to power your car for an extended period. A simple test using a voltmeter can confirm the status of your alternator. Most auto repair shops can perform a more thorough diagnostic test to determine if the alternator is the root cause of the issues you’re experiencing.

In conclusion, recognizing the early symptoms of a failing alternator can prevent further damage and inconvenience. Whether you decide to go for a brand-new alternator or a rebuilt one, make sure it matches your car’s specifications, and always consult a qualified mechanic for proper diagnosis and installation.

©, 2023 Rick Muscoplat

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