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2007 F150 Serpentine Belt Diagrams

2007 F150 Serpentine Belt Diagrams

The serpentine belt diagram, belts, tensioners, idlers and idler pulleys listed below are from GATES and they shows the serpentine belt routing for the year, make, model, engine shown.

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2007 F150 Serpentine Belt Diagrams for 4.2L engine with AC

Serpentine; W/A.C. K061015
Tensioner Assy. – Smooth . 38138
Idler Pulley – Smooth 38001
Idler Pulley – Grooved 36327

2007 F150 Serpentine Belt Diagrams for 4.2L engine withOUT AC

Serpentine; W/O A.C. K060966
Tensioner Assy. – Smooth . 38138
Idler Pulley – Smooth 38001
Idler Pulley – Grooved 36327

2007 F150 Serpentine Belt Diagrams for 4.6L engine with AC

Serpentine; W/A.C. K061031
Tensioner Assy.; W/A.C. . 38274
Idler Pulley – Smooth Á38001
Idler Pulley – Grooved 36157
Tensioner Pulley; W/A.C. 38006

2007 F150 Serpentine Belt Diagrams for 4.6L engine withOUT AC

Serpentine; W/O A.C. K060840
Tensioner Assy.; W/O A.C. 38329
Idler Pulley – Smooth Á38001
Idler Pulley – Grooved 36157

2007 F150 Serpentine Belt Diagrams for 5.4L engine with AC

Accessory Belt Drive Kit; W/A.C. . ACK061031
Serpentine K061031
Tensioner Assy.; W/A.C. . 38274
Tensioner Assy.; W/O A.C. 38329
Idler Pulley – Smooth Á38001
Idler Pulley – Grooved 36157
Tensioner Pulley; W/A.C. 38006

Posted on by Rick Muscoplat

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