2007 Ford Focus Belt Diagram
Use the 2007 Ford Focus Belt Diagram when replacing drive belts
The 2007 Ford Focus belt diagram shows the belt routing and parts for , belts, tensioners, idlers and idler pulleys listed below are from GATES and they show the serpentine belt routing for the year, make, model, engine shown.
2007 Ford Focus Belt Diagrams for 2.0L engine with AC and with California emissions
Serpentine; W/A.C.; W/Calif. Emission System K060878
Tensioner Assy. 38452
Idler Pulley 36198
Idler Pulley – Grooved; W/O A.C. . 36328
Idler Pulley – Smooth 38018
2007 Ford Focus 2.0L engine with AC and withOUT California emissions
Serpentine; W/A.C.; W/O Calif. Emission System K060873A
Tensioner Assy. 38452
Idler Pulley 36198
Idler Pulley – Grooved; W/O A.C. . 36328
Idler Pulley – Smooth 38018
2007 Ford Focus 2.0L engine withOUT AC and withOUT California emissions
Serpentine; W/A.C.; W/O Calif. Emission System K060873A
Tensioner Assy. 38452
Idler Pulley 36198
Idler Pulley – Grooved; W/O A.C. . 36328
Idler Pulley – Smooth 38018
2007 Ford Focus 2.0L engine withOUT AC and with California emissions
Serpentine; W/O A.C.; W/Calif. Emission System; OE Exact; Aramid . K060840A
Tensioner Assy. 38452
Idler Pulley 36198
Idler Pulley – Grooved; W/O A.C. . 36328
Idler Pulley – Smooth 38018
2007 Ford Focus 2.3L engine with AC
Serpentine; W/A.C. K060895
Tensioner Assy. 38452
Idler Pulley – Smooth 36198
Idler Pulley – Grooved; W/O A.C. . 38008
2007 Ford Focus Belt 2.3L engine withOUT AC
Serpentine; W/O A.C. GK060858
Tensioner Assy. 38452
Idler Pulley – Smooth 36198
Idler Pulley – Grooved; W/O A.C. . 38008