Rick's Free Auto Repair Advice

How to calibrate your impact wrench for torque sticks

Calibrate each impact wrench and each torque stick for accuracy or you’ll over/under tighten lug nuts

A torque stick can’t work properly if you don’t calibrate your impact wrench for torque sticks using this method.

Adjust torque level and air pressure

1) Set your impact to its lowest torque setting.

Insert the torque stick and tighten the lug nut until the nut stops turning.

2) Wait at least 15 minutes for the lug nut to cool. Using a hand held torque air pressure regulatorwrench set to the carmakers’ recommended final torque, try tightening the lug nut with the torque wrench. If the handheld torque wrench immediately clicks without any additional turning motion, the lug nut is over -tightened. To adjust your impact, reduce air pressure using an air pressure regulator. In most cases, you won’t be able to use full shop air pressure when using sticks, or you’ll have to perform final torque using a handheld torque wrench. Repeat the calibration until the lug nut turns slightly when tightened with the handheld torque wrench.

3) You must repeat this calibration for each torque stick, adjusting air pressure to the impact each time to prevent over tightening.

To use the torque sticks after calibration, you must adjust the impact wrench to the corresponding setting and air pressure for each torque stick or the torque will be wrong.

How do torque sticks work? See this post for more information.

©, 2023 Rick Muscoplat

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