Ford Windstar Fuel Pump Wiring Diagram
Windstar fuel pump wiring diagram
Here’s the Windstar fuel pump wiring diagram
If the fuel pump doesn’t work in your Ford Windstar, check out this fuel pump wiring diagram. In it you’ll see that the fuel pump relay requires TWO fuses; one to power the relay control coil and a second fuse going to the relay contacts. The control coil 10A fuse is in the central junction box, the second fuse 15A is in the battery junction box.
Don’t forget to reset the Inertia Fuel Cutoff Switch
The inertia fuel cutoff switch is located in the
right rear of the Windstar. It’s designed to cut off power to the fuel pump in the event of an impact. However, even a slight bump in a parking lot can be enough to toggle the inertia fuel cutoff switch, cutting power to the fuel pump. The symptom will be extending cranking but no engine start.
How power gets to the Windstar fuel pump
Power flows from two fuses to the fuel pump relay in the battery junction box. When you turn the key, the PCM checks the PATS antitheft system to ensure you’re using the right key. The PCM also checks the transmission control switch in the steering column to make sure you’re in park or neutral. If the PCM can’t see park or neutral or the PATS doesn’t check out, it won’t provide ground to the control coil in the fuel pump relay.
If everything is a go, the fuel pump relay control coil generates a magnetic field which closes the contacts and sends power to the inertia fuel cutoff switch. From there, power flows to the fuel pump.
Let’s look at the Windstar fuel pump wiring diagram.
As you can see in the fuel pump wiring diagram, the fuel pump needs power and ground to operate. The ground for the fuel pump is G101 located in the lower left front of engine compartment. Power to the fuel pump goes through splice S 132 located in the dash panel to headlight harness near take off to inline Circuit 100F.
Diagnose Windstar fuel pump wiring
Check both fuses
Reset the inertia fuel cutoff switch
Disconnect the connector at the fuel pump and check for power and good ground. If you don’t see power or ground, remove the fuel pump relay and make sure you’re getting ground from the PCM. If no ground in the relay socket, check the transmission control switch in the steering column.
Posted on by Rick Muscoplat