Rick's Free Auto Repair Advice

How to Bend Brake Lines Easily and Professionally

How to bend brake line like a pro

If you really want to bend brake line, especially into tight turns, you need better tools than the ones you find at most auto parts stores.

Bend without kinking

In fact, skip the wide radius bending tools you find at the auto parts store. They’re

wide radius bender

almost worthless because most of the line bends are really tight 90° bends. Instead, buy a bending pliers. A special bending pliers will make tight radius turns in your brake line without kinking the line.

In addition to a pliers, you should also get a brake line straightening pliers. Here are the tools you need. Lisle Tools and S.U.R.&R make line bending pliers. Both are good brands but the S.U.R.&R bending pliers work with several both 3/16″ and 1/4″ lines so they’re a better value. The Lisle pliers are single-sized.

bending pliers

Bend brake line with a bending pliers

Step 1: Always install the fitting onto the tubing before starting your bend.

Step 2: Slide the brake line into the proper channel and bend in small increments, moving the line as you go.

bending pliers

No problem. I’ll just straighten it out and try again
brake line straightening plier
Let’s try this again images showing how to bend a 90° bend
Flare the line
Install the flare fitting
Grab the line with the pliers right at the flare nut
Rotate the pliers to form a 90° bend

image of a tight bend on brake line using a bending plier



Rick’s note: I’m a big fan of Lisle tools and I’ve used their bending tool. I like it and it does a very good job. But I like the S.U.R.&R. brake line tools better. I found it easier to make a tight bend with the TP14316 and I especially like the straightening tool. Why? If you don’t replace brake lines on a daily basis, trust me, you’re going to make mistakes on your bends. The S.U.R.&R. can save rescue your behind after one of those mistakes. Rather than toss the line and start from scratch, just straighten it.

© 2012 Rick Muscoplat

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