Disk brake pad spreader tool
Disk brake pad spreader tool
So you’ve compressed the caliper with a huge C-clamp and removed it from the bracket. Now what? You have to press the caliper piston back into the bore. Some guys use the same C-clamp, but that can be really awkward. These piston compression tools make the job a LOT easier. If you’re counting pennies, just buy the crank
style. But if you really want to make life easier, buy the piston grip versions and just ratchet the pistons back in place.
For double piston calipers you can try leaving the pad in place and using a C-clamp. But if you’re not dead-on center with the clamp, you can cock the piston in the bore and possibly damage the piston or the bore. That’s why you should use a dual piston spreader tool like this
If you don’t have floating calipers, you probably have four pistons. Then you need this tool
© 2012 Rick Muscoplat
Posted on by Rick Muscoplat