Rick's Free Auto Repair Advice

2010 Ford Taurus Relay Locations

2010 Ford Taurus Relay Locations

Click on the image to learn how to test a relay

AC compressor relay





Find 2010 Ford Taurus Fuse Diagrams here

ACCESSORY DELAY RELAY Smart junction box.

A/C CLUTCH RELAY Battery junction box.

BLOWER MOTOR RELAY Battery junction box.

DAYTIME RUNNING LAMPS RELAY 1 Battery junction box.

DAYTIME RUNNING LAMPS RELAY 2 Battery junction box.

FUEL PUMP (FP) RELAY Battery junction box.

HEADLAMP RELAY, LEFT Battery junction box.

HEADLAMP RELAY, RIGHT Battery junction box.

PCM POWER RELAY Battery junction box.

REAR WINDOW DEFROST RELAY Battery junction box.

REVERSING LAMP RELAY Battery junction box.

RUN/START RELAY Battery junction box.

STARTER RELAY Battery junction box.

STOPLAMP RELAY Battery junction box.

WIPER RUN/PARK RELAY Battery junction

©. 2018  Rick Muscoplat

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